Just four months until AMS NYC 2024!
Four months until AMS NYC 2024! Register early to save on your opportunity to network with industry leaders and hear from domain experts. Prices will increase every few weeks and will be significantly more the longer you wait. To join as a sponsor, please email jeff@3dprint.com or call +1-203-461-0076. 7th Annual Additive Manufacturing Strategies (Feb 6-8, 2024, New York City) is less than four months away. We don't know quite know how the industry will look in February, but we know where it will be! AMS is the industry touchstone, business-focused networking conference. Browse the growing list of speakers and organizations that you will meet at AMS 2024. We are thankful to all sponsors and participants. Welcome to new sponsors: 3MF Consortium, Materialise, 3YOURMIND, Makelab, Adaxis. Just a few highlighted speakers include: | |
 Yoav Zeif CEO, Stratasys |
|  Shai Terem CEO, Markforged |
|  Ric Fulop CEO, Desktop Metal |
|  Benny Buller CEO, Velo3D |
 Amy Elliott Robotics and Intelligent Systems, ORNL |
|  Ben Schrauwen CEO, Oqton |
|  Michiel Alting von Geusau CEO, UltiMaker |
|  Brandon Ribic Technology Director, America Makes/NCDMM |
 Arno Held Managing Partner, AM Ventures |
|  Frank Carsten Herzog Founder and Managing Partner, HZG Group |
|  Troy Jensen Senior Research Analyst, Lake Street Capital |
|  Neil Orringer President, ASTRO America |
 Kristin Mulherin President, Women in 3D Printing |
|  Matt Petros Co-Founder & CEO, 3DEO |
|  Lakshmi Vendra Engineering Manager, Baker Hughes |
|  Francois Minec Global Head of HP 3D Polymers, HP |
AMS 2024 is 100% in-person. The entire 3DPrint and AM Research (formerly SmarTech Analysis) teams will be on-site amongst today's and tomorrow's market leaders. Bringing together the industry in a contained networking environment makes AMS the place for startups to access capital, for financial institutions and investors to sharpen their radars, and for the AM industry to focus on the business of AM. | |
Selected AMS 2024 programming highlights: Yoav Zeif (CEO, Stratasys) delivers the opening keynote on the morning of Feb 6, and we thank Stratasys for its support of AMS 2024 as our lead Diamond Sponsor. Feb 8 CEO Roundtable includes Yoav Zeif, Benny Buller (Velo3D) and Ric Fulop (Desktop Metal) Hear talks from NASA, EOS, Autodesk, Carpenter, HP, Dyndrite, 6K Additive and more. Financial and investment programming all three days! Including Stifel, NewCap, BNP Paribas, AMPOWER, Wohlers Associates, AM Research, and more. Special Workshop: 'The Economics of Additive' by The Barnes Global Advisors, Feb 8 afternoon. Full AMS registrants receive automatic access to this workshop. You can also opt to register for the workshop only by selecting the appropriate choice on the AMS registration page.  | |
Register early to save on your opportunity to network with industry leaders and hear from domain experts. Prices will increase every few weeks and will be significantly more the longer you wait. To join as a sponsor, please email jeff@3dprint.com or call +1-203-461-0076. | |
Diamond Sponsor:  | |
Presenting Sponsors:  |
| Networking Sponsor:  |
Platinum Sponsors: (to date) | |
Silver Sponsors: (to date) | |
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